01483 826367 8.30am - 5pm
or Email enquiries@thegpgp.co.uk anytime
The Guildford
Private General Practice
click to find us
Travel Clinic
We are currently unable to provide a travel vaccination
clinic due to vaccination supply issues
Travel Vaccinations
At the Guildford Private General Practice we are happy to advise on all travel destinations
and also offer travel vaccinations and medication, such as anti-malarials. Some vaccinations
need more than one dose to complete the course so it is best to contact us 2 months
before your intended date of travel if possible.
Before your appointment please complete the travel vaccination form and email it to us so
that we can ensure we have all the appropriate vaccinations ready for your consultation.
You can also find more extensive travel information at www.fitfortravel.nhs.uk.
We are not a Yellow Fever centre
Anti-malarial medication
At the end of your travel clinic appointment we will provide you with a presciption for anti-malarials if this are recommended in the area you are traveling to.