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Peyronie's Disease
What is Peyronie’s Disease?
Peyronie’s disease is a benign condition of the penis. A lump (plaque) forms on the shaft of the penis and causes the penis to bend when erect. It is actually fairly common, and is thought to affect as many as 3-9% of men.
What causes it?
We don’t know the precise cause, but it is thought to start by repeated damage to tiny blood vessels supplying the tunica albuginea (a fibrous layer just underneath the skin of the penis.) The damage leads to inflammation and the formation of a fibrous lump (the plaque). This beginning stage as the plaque forms may last up to 18 months. At this stage some men may experience pain when they get an erection and the penis may develop a bend. After this first eighteen months the inflammation stops, the pain settles and the bend shouldn’t get any worse.
Will I still be able to have penetrative sexual intercourse?
The extent of the bend varies considerably in different men. If the bend is mild it won’t necessarily affect your ability to have intercourse. Some men notice the quality of the erection after the plaque is reduced.
What treatment is there?
Men with milder disease may not need any treatment. Numerous treatments for Peyronie’s disease have been tried over the years with varying degrees of success. As a GP with an interest in men’s health, Dr Meurisse is experienced in diagnosing and assessing Peyronie’s disease. She can discuss the role of oral medication during the initial stages of the disease, assess the extent of the disease and advise you on possible future treatments. She regularly sees men affected by Peyronie’s in her role as a GP specialist at the Royal Surrey County Hospital and is comfortable discussing the sexual difficulties they encounter because of it.
Men with milder disease may not need any specific treatment. Some patients will be suitable for ESWT (shock wave treatment done as an outpatient), whilst those more severely affected may require surgery (usually a Nesbitt’s procedure). Dr Meurisse works closely with a consultant who specialises in Peyronie’s disease and can refer those patients needing further help to the most appropriate consultant.
Men with Peyronie’s disease do not usually require any additional investigations, and Dr Meurisse is happy to see and assess patients with Peyronie’s disease during a standard £95 consultation.